Recovering From Major Surgery: From Physical Therapist to Patient

As the owner of Thrive Integrated Physical Therapy, I've spent over 20 years helping the patients who come through our doors recover from various injuries, surgeries, and diagnosed conditions. We’ve partnered through innumerable rehabilitation programs, providing support and expertise every step of the way.

However, recently, I found myself on the other side of the treatment table, undergoing extensive surgery for my foot - perhaps you’ve seen me scooting around the office? Suddenly, the roles are reversed, and I am the one in need of rehabilitation. This experience not only gave me a renewed empathy for all of you, but also deepened my understanding of the recovery process and its multifaceted impact on my life. 

In January I underwent a major surgical procedure to treat my foot for a bunion which is a common foot deformity that happens when the big toe moves out of alignment and drifts towards your other toes.  It can cause a painful bony bump that can cause pain, inflammation, and difficulty walking. After years of managing my bunion with conservative measures, such as orthotics and shoe modifications, I finally decided to undergo surgery to correct the issue.

The surgery, known as a bunionectomy, involves realigning the bones in the foot and removing excess bone growth. While the surgery itself was relatively straightforward, the recovery process proved to be MUCH more challenging than I anticipated! Like many of my patients, I had to navigate pain management, swelling, and mobility limitations in the days and weeks following the procedure.

Rehabilitation after bunion surgery is crucial for achieving optimal outcomes and returning to normal activities. As a physical therapist, I knew the importance of following a structured rehabilitation program tailored to my individual needs. Here are some of the techniques and strategies that helped me:

  • Early Mobilization: Despite the discomfort, it's essential to start moving the foot as soon as possible after surgery. Gentle exercises, such as toe flexion and extension, ankle circles, and calf stretches, helped me improve circulation and prevent stiffness.   

  • Manual Physical Therapy: As a patient of Thrive, you know that manual therapy delivers enhanced and oftentimes accelerated recovery from injury. This method is used to improve musculoskeletal pain and restrictions in the joints or soft tissue and enhance function overall.  It promotes healing and relaxation of surrounding tissue, reduces swelling and frees up the restrictions that often affect the ability to participate in functional activity.

  • Alternative Treatment Approaches: Working at Thrive in a community of experts has its perks.  One such perk is the relationship we’ve built with other rehabilitation communities.  For example, scar release techniques employed by a licensed acupuncturist have been helpful in improving the pliability of my scar.  Additionally, I’ve been able to work with Pilates professionals, such as frequent collaborator Kim Gibilisco, who created a bespoke program to adapt to my weight bearing abilities. Getting back to Pilates has really kept me motivated!  

  • Gradual Weight-Bearing: While I was very tempted to  get back into daily activities and seeing patients - I realized quickly that I needed to slow down. I learned the hard way (I was not healing correctly!) that I needed a more gradual approach and reintroduce weight-bearing activities more slowly to avoid exacerbating pain and promote better healing. 

  • Orthotics and Footwear Modifications: Custom orthotics and supportive footwear play a crucial role in preventing recurrence and optimizing foot mechanics. As someone who has struggled with foot pain for years, I know firsthand the difference that proper footwear can make in reducing discomfort and improving mobility.  

  • Patience and Persistence: Healing from a major surgery can really do a number on one’s own sense of well-being. My notions about my independence, the ability to get around, what I’d be able to do myself were seriously upended!  I realized that there were going to be both “up” days and “down” days and resetting my own expectations during the process has really helped. Also having a support system both at home and at work have helped tremendously. The Thrive team and my personal physical therapist both listening to my needs and laying out my pathway of healing has been so assuring and essential to my sense of wellbeing. Knowing there are brighter days ahead and having a plan to get there has reduced my worry and provided an invaluable sense of relief. I am so grateful to everyone who is a part of my recovery journey! 

By sharing my experience, I wanted you all to know that I and the Thrive team most definitely understand and appreciate the journey that you are on when you walk through our doors. With determination, patience and partnership we can get you to a place of healing and renewed strength. Our team is here for you at every point along your journey.

You’ve got this - and we’ve got you.


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